Stud conditions

Stud conditions

Stud conditions

sale by studfee contract:


  • All prices are exclusive VAT, transport cost and health certificate
  • Before delivery the buyer pay part 1 of the studfee. Part 2 is payable by an in foal mare at 1 October.  
  • Studfee is payable on any identical pregnancy.
  • The transportation of the semen is at the buyers own risk.
  • When the mare is not in foal at 1 October the breeder send a signed clarification of the vet.
  • The mare will be inseminate on cost and risk of the owner.
  • The breeder tried maximum 3 times to inseminate the mare.
  • All straws stays property of the stallion owner represent by CBS Management & Administration. All straws (also empty) must send back.
  • Before transport the breeder send all the details of the mare to CBS Management & Administration
  • By ordering and buying semen, the mare owner declares to have taken cognizance of these conditions and declares to fully agree with these services and payment conditions, as well as with the studfees.

                    It’s not allowed to use the straws for ICSI (intracytoplasmatische semen-injection)

Attempted fraud commited by the mare owner is punishable by an unconditional fine of €5000  (excl. 21% VAT) per attempt, irrespective of the payable stud fee.


sale by straw

  • All prices are exclusive VAT, transport cost and health papers.
  • The transportation of the semen is at the buyers own risk.
  • Full payment is required of both the stud fee and shipment costs prior to dispatch.
  • We give no guarantee for a in foal mare.
  • The mare will be inseminate on cost and risk of the owner.
  • It’s not allowed to resale the straws without a written commitment from CBS Management & Administration.
  • At all times keep the breeding conditions in force and the buyer remains responsible for compliance.
  • By ordering and buying semen, the mare owner declares to have taken cognizance of these conditions and declares to fully agree with these services and payment conditions, as well as with the studfees.

It’s not allowed to use the straws for ICSI (intracytoplasmatische semen-injection)

Attempted fraud commited by the mare owner is punishable by an unconditional fine of €5000 (excl. 21% VAT) per attempt, irrespective of the payable stud fee.

Stallion offered by fresh / chilled semen collect on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Make your order before 09.00AM